Reserved variables: ------------------- $Id: reserved-variables.txt,v 1.7 2004/06/03 20:06:00 schst Exp $ The following variables are used by patTemplate and cannot/should not be overridden: - PAT_ROW_VAR - PATTEMPLATE_VERSION (global scape) If the attribute 'addSystemVars' is set to 'on', the following variables will be added: - PAT_LOOPS - PAT_IS_ODD - PAT_IS_EVEN - PAT_IS_FIRST - PAT_IS_LAST Reserved tags are: - tmpl - sub - link - var - instance (not used, yet) - assign (not used, yet) Reserved attributes: -------------------- 1. VAR-Tag - copyfrom - copyfromtemplate - modifier - name - hidden 2. TMPL-Tag - addsystemvars - autoclear - autoload - child - conditiontmpl - conditionvar - loop - limit - maxloop (better name needed, e.g. 'chunk') - modulo - name - placeholder - reader - requiredvars - src - type - unusedvars - useglobals - varscope - visibility - whitespace 3. SUB-Tag - condition 4. LINK-Tag - src 5. INSTANCE-Tag (not implemented) - same as TMPL