New features: ------------- $Id: news.txt,v 1.12 2004/04/27 18:52:51 schst Exp $ New features in v3.0.0: 1. Features ----------- The following features are new to patTemplate since version 3.0.0 1.1 Improved reader The reader now accepts tags and data or even several tags in one line. 1.2 New architecture patTemplate is now split into several different modules. This allows you to load components at runtime and keep the main codebase small. The available modules are: 1.2.1 Reader Splitting the template reader from the main class has several advantages: * Read templeates not only from file but from any datasource. Readers for files and strings have been implemented already. * Read different template types. Currently patTemplate shippes with a reader that is able to read templates that have been created for PEAR's HTML_Template_IT. As PHPLib uses the same template format, it is also possible to work with templates created for the PHPLib templating system. 1.2.2 Dump As the dump() functionality is split from the main engine, it increases performance. 1.2.3 TemplateCache 1.2.4 Input Filter 1.2.5 Output Filter 1.2.6 Custom Functions 1.2.7 Variable Modifiers 1.3 New Tags 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 Modulo Templates Modulo templates are similar to OddEven templates, but you may define how many different sub-templates you need. 1.5 Flexible Namespace It's possible to change the namespace of patTemplate, simply use the new method setNamespace() 1.6 Several new features for variables 1.6.1 patTemplate 3 introduces the tag that introduces new features: * default value for a variable * copy the value of a variable * apply a modifier to a variable (PHP function or custom object) * Do not display, but calculate (could be used to count the chars of any variable and store the result in another variable that is used as a condition variable) 1.6.2 Multi-dimensional arrays You may now pass a multi-dimensional array to patTemplate and the engine will add the variables in the array to the child-templates. 1.7 Support for user-defined tags You may define any tag and register a PHP class that will create the HTML code that will be inserted. 1.8 Dynamic includes It is now possible to change the source of an external file at runtime. You'll have to add autoload="off" to the template and then use $tmpl->setAttribute( 'tmpl', 'src', 'myFile.tmpl' ) to change the file that should be included. 1.9 Misc other features * new built-in conditions __odd, __even, __first, __last, __default and __empty * new attribute 'addSystemVars' * it's possible to add variables before reading a template prepareTemplate( string tmpl ) must be called for that. * external templates will be loaded when needed 2. PHP-API ---------- 2.1 New methods --------------- 2.1.1 patTemplate::addObject( string template, object obj [, string prefix] ) This allows you to add any PHP object to a template. In the template, all properties of the object are available as template variables. Optionally it is possible to specify a prefix. 2.1.2 patTemplate::parseIntoVar() 2.1.3 patTemplate::setNamespace( string namespace ) Allows you to change the namespace for the patTemplate tags. 2.1.4 patTemplate::readTemplatesFromInput() 2.1.5 patTemplate::setRoot( string root ) 2.2 Deprecated methods ---------------------- You should not use the following methods. 2.2.1 patTemplate::setBasedir() Please use setRoot() instead. 2.2.2 patTemplate::readTemplatesFromFile() Please use readTemplatesFromInput() instead